Top 11 Famous Places to Visit in Skardu 2024 [GUIDE]

Skardu is the all-time hottest and favorite tourist attraction among domestic and international tourists. Thousands of tourists visited Skardu last year in 2023 which was a huge increase compared to the previous year. This year the region is again ready to welcome a record number of tourists from all over the world.

In this guide, we are going to share the top 11 famous places to visit in Skardu which you should not miss whenever you visit Skardu. Visiting these places will be worth your Skardu trip and the money you spend on your trip. The list we are going to share is not only based on one aspect of the place, but we will see all the major aspects of these places that make them different from other places.

Otherwise, the whole region of SKARDU BALTISTAN is beautiful.

Famous Places to Visit in Skardu

  1. Satpara Lake
  2. Basho Valley
  3. Upper Kachura Lake
  4. Sarfaranga Cold Desert Skardu
  5. Nansoq The First Organic Village of Skardu
  6. Lower Kachura Lake Shangrila
  7. Manthal Budha Rock
  8. Kharphocho Fort
  9. Deosai National Park
  10. Skardu Ploo Ground

#1- Satpara Lake

Satpara Lake is also known as Satpar Lake. The name of this lake is connected with the name of the village where the lake is located. It is in Sadpara Village in Skardu Baltistan. A short drive of a maximum of 30-40 minutes from Skardu City Sadpara Lake is located at the top of Skardu City.

Sadpara Lake is famous for fishing and boating among locals and tourists from all over the world. This lake is always at the top list of all tourists who are visiting Skardu Baltistan. You can visit this lake in any season.

If you go there in summer, you can see nice and pleasant weather and people might enjoy boating and fishing. But if you are visiting in the winter season you might see the lake full of snow.

How To Reach Satpara Lake?

There are many ways you can get there from Skardu City. It depends where you are staying in the city.

Ways To Reach Satpara Lake

  • By Car
  • By Local Transport Suzuki
  • By Taxi
  • By Motor Bike
  • By Walk

By Car: You can visit the lake from the main city by car. If you have your car you can get there easily in 30-40 minutes from any corner of the city. The city is not very crowded, and the traffic is also normal. So, it will not take much time.

By Local Transport Suzuki: Yes, you can find local transport like Suzuki from the main bazaar of Skardu to Satpara Lake which will take 50-100 Rupees fare which is not a big amount. This is a good choice for those people who do not have their own cars and who want to save some money instead of using a taxi service which is quite expensive than local transport.

By Taxi: Another option you can avail is to use a taxi service. You can take a taxi from anywhere in the city where you are. It will again take 30-40 minutes to reach there. You can book a taxi for both side to get there and to come back to your accommodation also. If you are doing this you might get a cheaper taxi compared to booking a separate taxi for both side. (TIP)

By Motor Bike: If you are a solo traveler and traveling on your motor bike, you can also get there. This can be one of the best ways to reach the lake on a bike. Nowadays most travelers are coming on their bikes from the major cities of Pakistan. They want to enjoy their trip to Skardu. One other advantage of having your own car or motorbike is you can stay anywhere you want. You can take pictures and make videos of any place.

By Walk: Yes, you read it right. You can also get there by walk. We as local people used to reach Satpara Lake on foot all the time. If you want to enjoy going all the way from Skardu city to the lake you can plan your trip by walking also. It will take almost 2-3 hours depending on how fast you can walk. The best thing about walking to the lake is that you can take shortcuts, or you can also take any route which you want. There is a route where you can enjoy hiking at the same time. So, walking to the lake is not a bad idea at all.

#2- Basho Valley

The mesmerizing Basho Valley is one of the most beautiful hidden place in Skardu Valley. Located at a distance of 20 KM from Skardu City this valley is lush green and full of natural beauty.

Basho Valley is one of the best places to visit in Skardu, especially in the summer season. I will not recommend you visit in the winter because you can only enjoy snow in winter but in the summer, you can see the real beauty of this village. Also, the roads to Basho Valley are not very good.

#3- Upper Kachura Lake

Skardu Valley has a number of beautiful natural lakes. Upper Kachura Lake is one of them. With a depth of almost 60 meters is the lake located 20 KM from Skardu City. The lake is in Gamba Skardu Baltistan. This is also one of the most favorite places among all tourists in the valley.

How To Reach Upper Kachura Lake?

There are again multiple options you can use to reach the lake. But in all cases, you have to keep one thing in mind, that you must walk also. The lake is located between the mountains and there is no proper road to the lake. You can take your vehicle up to some extent then you need to walk to reach there.

Car: You can take your own car to go there. But you need to park it in the Kachura Village before the lake. From there you need to start walking to reach the lake.

Bike: Bike riders also need to follow the same way. They also need to park their bike in the village and walk to the lake.

#4- Sarfaranga Cold Desert Skardu

The unique desert Sarfaranga Cold Desert Skardu Baltistan is located on the border between Shigar Valley and Skardu Valley. This is also a famous place to visit in Skardu Baltistan. The Cold Desert is famous for many things.

If we go a few years back no one knows about this unwire desert. But thanks to the internet and social media this place is known worldwide. The Jeep Safari at Sarfaranga Cold Desert Skardu every year is giving another level of identity to this place.

Best Time to Visit Sarfaranga Cold Desert Skardu

The best time to visit Sarfaranga Cold Desert is the summer season. And the time when there is Jeep Safari. You can enjoy the jeep safari for free with a lot of fun. You can also enjoy the local traditional food, dance , singing and many more.

So I recommend you check the date of Sarfaranga Cold Desert Jeep Safari and plan your trip to Skardu.

#5- Nansoq The First Organic Village of Skardu

If you are nature loving person and want to see how people are living in a pure organic way away from the modern style you need to visit The First Organic Village of Skardu called Nansoq Valley. Yes, the life style of Nansoq Valley is different then the peopl living in the Skardu City. People living here are prefer everything natural and organic. From their eating to daily life you can see everything organic. This can be a unique experience for you as well.

How To Reach The First Organic Village of Skardu Nansoq?

It is a short but beautiful track of almost 3 KM from Skardu City. There is no road to this valley so you. So, you can’t take any kind of vehicle there. As we mentioned above everything here is natural and organic. You will have an inclining path parallel to the Shyok River. A wooden signboard will welcome you in the village written “WELCOME TO THE FORST ORGANIC VILLAGE“.

Things To Do In Nansoq Organic Village

  • Picking fresh organic Vegetables
  • Picking fresh organic fruits
  • Camping
  • Fishing
  • Visit fishing farms

Note: There are no hotels or restaurants available in the Organic Village. So if you want to eat something you need to take with you. But the best part is people here are very welcoming and they offer free fruits to visitors. You can enjoy fresh organic fruits here.

#6- Lower Kachura Shangrila Lake

Shangrila Lake Skardu or Lower Kachura Lake is not only famous in Pakistan but also in the world. This is one of the best place to visit in Skardu in all season. Located in Gamba Skardu and a drive of almost 30-40 minutes from main Skardu City.

Shangrila Lake is well-known for boating in the valley.

Tourists can also enjoy meal in an old but well maintained airoplane which was crashed years ago at this place. But this is now a major part of the lake. Tourist take pictures and make videos for their social media enjoying in the plane at Shangrila Lake Skardu. The plane has its own story.

#7- Manthal Budha Rock Skardu

This is a place majorly for history lovers and for those who have interest in Archaeology or studying Archelogy in their colleges and universities. Skardu Baltistan region is rich in Archaeology and history. Number of kingdoms has been ruled the region and there left a long history.

This rock is a sign of Buddhist period and preaches in the region. This Buddhist rocks were the place of their worship till the mid of 14th Century A.D before the advent of Islam in the region.

Researches are doing by many scholars on the Archelogocal side of Baltistan. Many things are founded and many more to find.

This is another famous and must visit place located in Skardu City on the bank of Hargisa river. It is near to the famous Public School and College Skardu.

#8- Kharphocho Fort Skardu

If you want to take a hilltop view of the entire Skardu City, Kharpocho Fort is the only place you can get the view. This is an ancient fort built at the time of Maqpon Rulers of Skardu. You can visit a fort and a mosque at the top of the mountain.

This place is also an attraction to history loves and researchers who want to study the old time of this region and wants to know more.

#9- Deosai National Park

Deosai National Park was established years ago to secure animals like Snow Leopard, Red Fox, Himalayan Brown Bear, Wolf, Golden eagle, Sparrow Hawk, and snow Cock. All these animals are going disappear due to our ignorance.

This park is also one of the most beautiful place to visit in Skardu. Before it was a challenge to visit Deosai National park because of the bad road conditions. But, now thanks to the local administrations roads are built and carpeted. And tourists can easily reach to Deosai and return to Skardu City in a single day if they do not want to stay there.

Deosai is also famous for flowers and fishing. The Himalayan Brown Bear is a rare animal species which can only be seen in Deosai Park.

#10- Skardu Polo Ground

Skardu Polo Ground is another major tourist attraction located in the heart of Skardu City. It was alaso built at the time of Maqpon Rulers in the region. A Free Style Polo of Gilgit Baltistan is very famous which you can enjoy in this ground.

This is very famous about the free style polo – “Polo is The Game of Kings & The King of Games